The wave is returning! US Nearly 100 Companies Jointly Oppose Trump Immigration Ban

[Global Science and Technology Comprehensive Report] According to the report of Reuters on February 6, nearly 100 technology companies in the United States, including Apple, Google, and Microsoft, filed a written statement to the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on the 6th. Statement that opposed President Trump’s recent immigration ban and stated that the ban “seriously harmed American companies”.

The companies said that the ban would “big hit the US in business, innovation and growth.” In addition, the executive order clearly violates the fair and effective immigration system that the United States has pursued for more than 50 years.

According to reports, Trump formulated the most controversial policy in the first two weeks of his presidency, and the ban also faces a huge legal obstacle. On February 3, the U.S. federal judge temporarily suspended an administrative order that temporarily prevented immigrants and refugees from seven Muslim countries from entering the United States, and requested the Trump administration to make a reasonable interpretation of the executive order by February 6.

According to reports, U.S. technology companies have the highest response to this immigration ban, because many company employees are non-U.S.-born immigrants. Among the legal actions involved were high-tech companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Twitter, and Netflix, including a handful of non-tech companies such as the jeans brand Levi's.

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit dismissed the Trump administration’s appeal for an immediate resumption of the immigration ban this week, which will again subject the ban to significant legal obstacles. However, the court said that if more detailed information is obtained, the government’s request will be reconsidered. (Internship Compilation: Cui Jingjing Reviewer: Tian Ruizhe)

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