Survey shows that WiFi usage increases tablet ** TV

According to foreign media reports, the US mobile advertising company Millenial Mediaind published a research report in June that smart phone users may be ready to face such a situation, that is, as Verizon, telecommunication service companies will plan a set of their own data network Architecture. The Wi-Fi Internet usage of smartphones grew by 8% over the previous month. Another new research area is the impact of tracking the use of tablet PCs on the behavior of existing users. The results show that 19% of tablet PC users watch TV in less time than when they do not have a tablet PC.

According to the report of Millenial Media, among smart phone companies, Apple still occupies the top position with an exposure share of more than 30%; Samsung also takes second place with approximately 14.94%. BlackBerry RIM ranked third, HTC ranked fourth. In this month’s report, the only surprise is that the Samsung Nexus S climbed the top 20 list and finished fourth, making it the second most popular product line in Android phones. .

Millenial's report this month also added a part that was not available in the past, that is, the effect of tablet PCs on consumer purchasing behavior. Analysts have been claiming that tablet PCs will affect consumer purchases of personal computers, so the results of this research are particularly interesting. Nearly one-third of tablet owners admit that they transferred some of their daily online activities to tablets; but, in addition, they also admitted that tablet computers have replaced the use of e-readers, with about 19 % of tablet users spent less time watching TV than having a tablet. From this point of view, the impact of tablet PCs on user behavior may have exceeded previous expectations.

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